This morning I recieved these things from my dad and two younger brothers. You would think it was a set but actually my dad brought the basket, the bear/lotion, and the candy box separately. It all came together nicely. My little sister recieved the same thing but her set is red. I just have a wonderful dad, and my brothers are great also. Dont you agree?

I agree. Keep up the good work. Your father and I are very proud of you.
Hi im glad i saw your moms and your blog, im glad to see that in other parts of the world people love God and wants to make Him happy with their lives, im 28 years old that´s why i liked your moms blog cause she is about my age i think, i have a wonderful son he´s 1 year old my husband and baby are a gift from heaven, hope to be your friend, give your mommy my email i have questions for her please. God bless you and your wonderful family. Reyna
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