Friday, November 2, 2007

Fall Bloggy Giveaways

I have been searching through the "Fall Bloggy Giveaways" yesterday and today. I have signed up to win a few things. Anyone who visits my blog should go check it out.

Also my mom is conducting a bloggy giveaway. The winner will be picked November 5th so go check it out.


Anna said...

Hey Thanks for all the comments. Sorry I haven't gotten time to get back to you yet!!!! Anyway. I do feel different. But it's a great different. And don't let others make you feel weird or anything because your homeschooled. And being homeschooled is great because I can be more independant. Like girls in my never see them by themselves they always have groups...and so they feel confident in groups. Power in Numbers Really...but yeah then you get them by themselves and they are so quiet. So being homeschooled has made me more confidant as a person because I know that I don't need people around me to feel good about myself. I can walk into some place new and be able to walk up to someone and say Hi because I don't need my friends there with me to feel secure if that makes sense. But we are currently doing an online school..and I love it. I can get my work done so much faster ( if ya wanna look at it!) and yeah so it's great. No I didn't write that song. I do write songs..but they pretty much stink LoL!

Colabear said...

Hey Kayla,
Thanks for the schooling tip it helped boost up my confidence. My mom checked out the website you left and we might decide to homeschool that way during my ninth grade year. It's quite alright about the time it took you to get back to me.